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How Isolation Helped Me Own My Pronouns and Pansexual Identity

One year into the pandemic I came out as pansexual with she/they pronouns on Facebook.  The former has been common knowledge to my close friends and colleagues for years and the latter slowly developed as I spent more and more time with myself during isolation.  I exited a relationship in

Why It’s So Hard to Convince Anti-Vaxxers to Vaccinate Their Kids

The World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked hesitancy surrounding vaccines – and the growing resistance to widely available lifesaving vaccines – as one of the top 10 health threats in the world in 2019.  According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of unvaccinated children has quadrupled

The Feds are “Actively Considering” Policing Facebook and Instagram

The past few years have seen social media giants take a more active approach in policing the types of people and content on their platforms. Just yesterday, for example, Facebook banned Toronto’s Faith Goldy, who finished third in the city’s 2018 mayoral race on a somewhat white supremacist platform, as

lol, Facebook Wants You to Put its Cameras in Your Home

Facebook, a perennial abuser of your privacy and trust, is pitching to the public a branded AI camera that promises a “new way to connect” in your home.   Hope you’re still with us after an onslaught of red flags. The intrusive device is called Portal, and is essentially

Instagram Co-Founders Say Goodbye to Facebook

Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, co-founders of the massive photo-sharing app, Instagram, are both leaving Facebook. Back in 2012 Facebook paid $1 billion for the young (two-year-old) platform called Instagram. At the time, this was a lot of money for a social media platform to shell out, however, the deal