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12 Things Not to Do When Eating at a Restaurant

Just because you’ve made a reservation at the city’s hottest restaurant and arrive with your well-connected crew doesn’t mean the experience is an open invitation to be treated like royalty. Here are 12 things your server – and friends – will thank you for not doing at a restaurant

7 Things Everyone Can Do to Make the TTC a Little More Tolerable

Sometimes Toronto can live up to its reputation in Canada as a less than friendly city, the largest example of our collective rudeness appearing most frequently when engaging with the TTC. We could all use a reminder of what good manners look like when using public transit

10 Simple Rules for Concertgoers

Going to a general admission show shouldn’t be the nightmare it sometimes can be. If everyone comes together and collectively agrees to stop doing these things at concerts, the live music world would be a much more welcoming and wonderful place (especially for short people)

Don’t Be That Jerk. Think Before You Comment

In the past week, you’ve probably read someone’s comment on an online article and thought, “What an idiot!” On everything from the Rob Ford scandal to the antics of Miley Cyrus and the disaster in the Philippines, it seems people have a lot to write these days.

Rules of the Road Trip

So it’s summer, and that means no shortage of weekends out of town. Odds are that some lucky young professionals (YPs) are planning on driving a few hours away from the city this weekend for a break away from the urban madness. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when embarking on a road trip with friends