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10 Best Places in Toronto for Gourmet Donuts

Ahh donuts. Whether you bake ‘em or bought ‘em, they are undeniably delicious and my personal cheat day pleasure. Because when you’re having donuts, you’re not just eating them to have one. They don’t come in a dozen for no reason. You’re eating a lot and enjoying every. single. bite.

Krispy Kreme Donuts Will Soon Open 50 New Stores in Ontario and Quebec

Krispy Kreme is making a Canadian comeback. The renowned American donut chain has announced its intention to open 50 new stores in Ontario and Quebec over the next five years. It’s a bold move for the company given its largely unsuccessful attempt to infiltrate TimHortonsland in 2001 when Krispy Kreme

Today is National Donut Day…Start Drooling

Not only is the sunshine warming our hearts today, but so are donuts. Ladies and gents, today is National Donut Day. Now you finally have an official (?) excuse to over-indulge in these sweet and tasty ring-shaped treats. But before we bite into the wonderful world of sugar and dough,

Notable Poll: Who Makes the Best Dessert in Montreal?

Whether you are looking for a sneaky midnight snack or just something sweet to finish off your lunch or dinner, Montreal is filled with places to satisfy even the pickiest of sugar lovers. From patisseries to gourmet donut spots, the list for this week’s Notable Poll candidates is as diverse as the mouth-watering concoctions they serve up

Must Try: Glory Hole Doughnuts

All hail the Glory Hole…Doughnuts, that is. The foodie favourite that has made a name for itself – aside from its somewhat salacious moniker that is – has finally opened up a stand-alone Parkdale spot. Which means, dear notables, that you can get your gourmet doughnut fix pretty much daily without having to chase Glory Hole Doughnuts down at events, pop-ups, and the like