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New Data Shows Toronto Has the Healthiest People in Ontario

We Torontonians may live in the “Big Smoke,” but we’re still a healthy bunch. Newly released data from Toronto Public Health that compared the city’s health with the rest of Ontario found that Toronto outperforms the province in a majority of health areas. Regardless of gender, both men and women in

Victoria Cyclist Uses GPS Program to Create Impressive Doodle Artwork

For most of us, simply getting off our sofas and onto our bikes for an hour is reward in itself. But for Stephen Lund, who cycles about 70km around Victoria every single day, he wanted to create a masterpiece every time he got on his bike. Using Strava, the GPS program used

9 Amazing Bike Accessories to Give You the Best Possible Ride on Two Wheels

Technology is quickly changing the way we bike. That, combined with our penchant for customizing every aspect of our lives, has given rise to a host of incredible accessories, add-ons, mods, and toys to turn urban cycling into a pretty luxe endeavour. Here are 9 incredible bike accessories to give

These Are the 20 Most Bike-Friendly Cities in the World

‘Bike-friendliness’ is starting to hold more weight when it comes to factors that influence a city’s quality of life. And cities are definitely catching on. The social, economic, environmental, and health benefits of urban cycling are loud and clear, and any modern city that wants to thrive in our landscape of increasing

Cadence Cycle: It Hurts So Good

Ever since spinning swept New York as the go-to workout for the who’s who, indoor cycling has become the biggest, baddest fitness phenomenon. The workout that many call an “obsession” or a “cult” has found roots in Montreal, with a line-up of devotees ready to put the pedal to the medal