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Spotify Data Used to Scientifically Prove the Most Timeless 90s Songs

“It’s a classic!” says your friend, defending their terrible 90s music choice, to a chorus of groans. Well now there’s a way to prove that a love for Limp Bizkit or Hanson is far from universal. Spotify, curator of bands and musicians old and new, has provided a jumping off point

12 Women’s Accessories That Never Go Out Of Style

Trends come and go but timeless accessories make the fashion world go ’round. From tortoise sunnies to biker boots, these additions will not only bring your outfit to life but they’ll also last a lifetime. Here are 12 women’s accessories that never go out of style

How to Date the Old Fashioned Way

Thanks to social media, the advent of text messaging, and time-saving
everything, dating isn’t what it used to be. Though it allows for seemingly limitless options, we’re not suggesting it’s changed for the better. Here’s how to start a relationship in the good, old-fashioned way