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Why it May be Time to Scrap That Five Year Plan

It’s always good to have a plan. When it comes to our futures, having an idea of where we are headed and how we intend to get there is certainly a helpful way to keep us focused and on the right track. That said, sometimes plans, agendas, and lists, especially those set far in advance, can also be stifling, disappointing, and in the end may actually work to defeat rather than aid us

Comment faire face au rejet professionnel

Vous avez sans doute raté quelque chose à un moment ou un autre de votre carrière professionnelle – que ce soit au cours d’un entretien d’embauche, d’une réunion importante ou dans la gestion d’un projet ou d’un compte important. Vous avez aussi probablement pensé que vous aviez très bien fait dans l’un de ces cas, jusqu’à ce que vous viviez un rejet, une critique, et peut-être même des objections flagrantes sur votre travail. Voici quelques éléments à garder à l’esprit la prochaine fois que vous ferez face à un rejet au travail

How to Deal with Professional Rejection

You’ve probably messed something up at one point or another in your professional career – whether during a job interview or important meeting, or in handling a major project or account. It happens, hopefully once and never again. You have also likely thought you had done amazingly well at one of the above, only to be met with rejection, harsh and constructive criticism and perhaps even blatant objections to your work. Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you face rejection in the workforce

Advice for the Young Professional Advice Givers

Many of us YPs would like to think of ourselves as someone that our colleagues, friends, and family can turn to for advice. We like to believe that they see us as educated and successful, and as an ideal resource for guidance and perspective. While being that go-to advice person is certainly a special honour, a lot of responsibility comes with that role