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This Canadian Cheese Has Been Named the Best Camembert in the World

The entire nation of France is reeling this Monday morning as a Canadian cheese was named the world’s best over the weekend. L’Extra, a silky smooth Camembert, was finished in first place in the Camembert category at the World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin. The creamy delicacy hails from St-Hyacinthe, Quebec,

Canadian Spots Named Among World’s Best Winter Vacations

Bloomberg has just released a list of ‘Winter Vacations for People Who Want to Do Nothing’. Finally, something we can all get behind. While it does mention several activities that are anything but nothing – dogsledding and concerts – make no mistake that every destination has been carefully selected for

CultWorthy: To Be A Cozy Canadian

Up in the rocky mountains lives Little Blue Canoe. This company came on our radar when we spotted their cozy sweatshirts with cute sayings. Happiest when…at the lake, when caffeinated, when at home etc. They also offer a range of adorable houseware products. The perfect holiday gift for any true

Canadian Student’s Groundbreaking Discovery Could Stop Spread of Cancer Cells

A Canadian student has made a groundbreaking discovery that could represent a major milestone in the fight against cancer. Caitlin Miron, a PhD student in Queen’s University’s chemistry department, has identified a chemical compound that has the potential to prevent the metastasis of cancer cells. This compound, which Miron describes