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Suits Casts A Shocking Grey’s Anatomy Star To Take Meghan Markle’s Place

Who would’ve thought that when we said goodbye to one of Seattle Grace’s finest surgeons, we’d be saying hello to a new lawyer at Pearson Spector Litt? Suits just announced that they have officially cast a brand new season lead that will definitely surprise you. Shortly after her engagement to

Statistics Canada Wants to Know How Much You Pay for Your Weed

Canadians are notoriously enthusiastic about answering questions from the government. So you can bet that Statistics Canada’s most recent questionnaire – ‘Cannabis prices in Canada‘ – will yield a high response rate. (Sorry, had to). The survey starts with a simple call to action: Statistics Canada needs your help collecting

Here Are 5 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health Before Bell Let’s Talk

January is supposed to be the blank slate we all need after weeks of endless parties, presents, and champagne. But with the new month and new year comes a sluggish return to the office, with an extra 5-pounds under our belt, bags under our eyes and what seems like 5-layers

Canadian Politicians Propose the Decriminalization of All Drug Use

A growing number of grassroots politicians believe decriminalization is the best remedy for illegal drug use. Canada’s Liberal caucus recently presented 39 resolutions that will be up for consideration at the federal party’s national policy convention in Halifax this April. One in particular, a priority item, suggests eliminating criminal penalties

Canada Has the 4th-Most Powerful Passport in the World

Canada’s passport has moved up two spots to become the world’s 4th-most powerful travel document. (Ok, so it’s tied for fourth with Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Ireland, and the United States, but still.) Germany was crowned as having the world’s most powerful passport in the lone one spot. The ranking is