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Calgary is 1 of 3 Cities Left in the 2026 Winter Olympics Race

Calgary’s great year continues. Fresh off being named the world’s fourth-most livable city, and home to a really awesome YMCA, but minus points for the October snowstorm, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced yesterday that Calgary is on a shortlist of three cities to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. The other

The Best Photos and Videos From Calgary’s Crazy October Snowstorm

Whatever meteorologists said about winter being “milder than normal” this year obviously does not apply to Calgary. Or maybe it does, because it’s still fall. In any case, Calgary was blanketed by about a million centimetres of snow to kick off October. Yes, OCTOBER. (More conservative estimates say anywhere between

New Ranking Says Calgary is the World’s 4th Most Liveable City

Ok Calgary, time to look down with impunity on backwater towns like Toronto and Vancouver the way these “world-class” cities do on your city during the 364 days of the year the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) doesn’t publish a World’s Most Liveable City list. That’s right, according to EIU, Calgary is

Calgary Chosen As 1 of 7 Cities That Could Host the 2026 Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics could return to Calgary. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has named seven cities that have expressed interest in hosting the Winter Olympic Games in 2026: Calgary, Canada Graz, Austria Cortina d’Ampezzo/Milan/Turin, Italy Sapporo, Japan Stockholm, Sweden Sion, Switzerland Erzurum, Turkey Calgary hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988,

Photos: Calgary Unveils the World’s Largest and Most Amazing YMCA

Remember the Y? Well, it’s back in a big way. Yesterday saw the world’s biggest YMCA open its doors in Calgary after. Located in Rocky Ridge, the Shane Homes YMCA spans an incredible 284,000 square feet and came with a  $192 million price tag. Construction began in 2014. The new Rocky Ridge