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Bikinis, Cowboy Hats, and Special Olympics Calgary

Far more than just a unique shopping experience, Inglewood’s espy is also deeply involved in numerous charity initiatives throughout the city to support Special Olympics Calgary. Its most recent effort, #bikiniespy, comes just in time for beach season and concludes with a must-attend event on July 7

Charity Spotlight: BeCause (United Way)

The United Way of Calgary has been hard at work engaging young professionals in its various initiatives and campaigns. The end result is BeCause, a rebranded identity solely dedicated to future leaders with the aim of giving, volunteering and participating in one’s community

UEnd:poverty Redefines Gift Giving

Rather than purchasing an obligatory gift that will potentially end up sitting on a shelf or, UEnd:poverty empowers young professionals to give a new kind of gift – one that helps eradicate extreme poverty and make a difference in the world. Learn more about how you next gift can be one that keeps on giving