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Four Things Entrepreneurs Should Know About PR

As a small business owner or startup founder, you already know that your operation can reap big benefits from earned editorial media coverage. The trouble is, PR pros aren’t cheap. The good news is you can do your own PR

Young Women of Influence: Anne Fitzgerald on the Art of Negotiation

At the start of the month, the monthly Young Women of Influence speaker series filled a meeting room at Toronto’s Intercontinental Hotel with estrogen and inspiring young females. There couldn’t have been a more experienced speaker to lecture us on the benefits of change and the importance of negotiating than Anne Fitzgerald. Here’s what she had to say

To Press Release or Not to Press Release

Press releases have a lot in common with Mickey Rourke. Like the oft-surgerized former heartthrob, they’re abused and misunderstood, but still capable of getting the job done when properly deployed. Alas, “properly deployed” does not describe the vast majority of press releases blasted out into the ether today

The Importance of a Mentor

The advantages of being part of a mentorship are endless, both for the mentee and for the one who’s giving advise. Just as it makes sense for individuals, companies also have a lot to gain from implementing mentorship programs. Here’s why

10 Keys to Branding Yourself

Much like corporate branding is essential to a company’s success, great personal branding could be the difference between a skyrocketing career path and one that stagnates. Here’s how to achieve the former