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16 Signs You’re a Little Too Comfortable in Your Relationship

So you’ve moved in together. They’ve cleared out a drawer for all your worldly possessions and you’re 90 per cent sure you’ll be spending the rest of your life with this human. Now you can afford to relax a little. Let your hair down (the plug hole), put your feet

The Six Month Test: Is He a Keeper?

These days, making someone your boyfriend takes on a completely different meaning than it did in university. It’s a big deal to give someone that label – especially for the long run. Here are 14 signs he’s a keeper

You Can Now Have an Invisible Boyfriend or Girlfriend – For Real

If you’re sick of being asked why you’re single, here’s something you simply have to get. Now in beta testing, these ingenious (and slightly unscrupulous) new apps will give you all the proof you need to show people you’re in a relationship – even if you’re not

Do You Want a Relationship This Year? Do These 9 Things

So you’ve finally decided that this is the year to find yourself a (gulp) lasting relationship. But that could be all talk and no foreplay if you’re not prepared to do anything about it. You may need to make some changes if a relationship is on your list of New Year’s resolutions