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Patio Hot Spot: Bar C

Bar C is the latest CRMR restaurant in town, having opened its doors in a prime location on 17th Avenue just off 4th Street. While several other businesses have failed in that spot before, it looks like Bar C is here to stay for quite a while

Patio Hot Spot: Cilantro

It’s summertime and the patio livin’s easy. We’re in that magical time of year where we have to relish in every minute of patio time that we can possibly get. Notable will be spending the next several weeks giving you the insider scoop on hot patios and cool drinks around the city. This week, let’s talk about Cilantro on 17th Avenue

Calgary’s Best Rooftop Patios

Patio weather has arrived, which means it’s time to start spending the majority of your post-work hours outside. Here’s a rundown of the city’s best spots to enjoy a few cocktails in the fresh air