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Canada Named 3rd-Best Country in the World in Shiny New Survey

Every day the Internet abounds with new claims about which is the best country in the world. Of course, it’s difficult to gauge how official any of these rankings really are. Among the more reputable, however, is the annual ‘Best Countries’ report published by US News & World Report. The survey evaluates

Lonely Planet Names Canada the Top Country to Visit in 2017

2016 was a pretty great year for Canada. Millennials love us. Americans want to live in us. We’re a great place to go corporate. And in 2017, we’ll be the top country in the world to visit according to Lonely Planet. The largest travel guide publisher in the world has

UN Names the 10 Best Countries in the World to Live

We’ll get to us in a second, but first: Norway is building quite the dynasty up there in Scandinavia. For the 12th year in a row, the United Nations has named the Nordic nation the best in the world to live, which can largely be attributed to its abundance of