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This ‘MS Bike’ Mimics What Life is Like Living With Multiple Sclerosis

We’re all aware of the devastating effects of heavy-hitting illnesses like cancer and heart disease. A disease that seems to get a little less attention but can be just as devastating is multiple sclerosis, or MS. It’s also often misunderstood. This morning, however, the disease made headlines as Sopranos star

Close Up: Why Selfies Actually Help Women

We all have that one person that dominates our social media feeds with perfectly filtered, duck-lipped selfies like they’re going out of style. And yes, it’s annoying (and a quick way to get unfollowed). In some cases of repeat offenders, it can be entirely narcissistic – in a “just a

Why We’re Okay With Teens Doing the #CondomChallenge

The Condom Challenge is the latest and greatest viral craze to hit the Internet. In case it has yet to hit your Twitter or Instagram newsfeeds, the trend involves filling condoms with water and literally dropping them on your friend’s head and hoping it doesn’t burst. And, if you’re in