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It Turns Out a Pan Am Gold Medal is Worth Next to Nothing

Ever wonder what a gold metal at the Pan Am Games is actually worth? Compared to an Olympic gold metal, not a whole lot. Well, aside from the bragging rights, personal sense of achievement, and well-deserved pride. All very important goals to reach, but it’s not going to make you

26 Things Canadians Can Brag to Americans About

Last year we brought you 21 Things we could brag to our southern cousins about. Well, it should go without saying that we obviously have even more this year, ’cause this country only gets better. So to mark our favourite day, here’s that list with even more added to it.

Forbes’ List of the World’s Highest-Paid Athletes Will Make You Regret Your Childhood Hobbies

Forbes released their annual ‘World’s Highest-Paid Athletes‘ list yesterday, proving once again that we all should have skipped class and committed our childhood full-time to sports. And sell out to multi-billion dollar corporations. Floyd Mayweather ($300 million in 2015) and Manny Pacquiao ($160) top this year’s list, which makes complete sense considering their showdown

The 17 Most Notable Canadian Athletes of Our Generation

This country has produced a lot of phenomenal sports talent, so with the countdown to the Toronto-hosted PanAm Games well underway, we thought we’d honor the most legendary of our athletic leaf-bearers by doing what Millennials do best; making a list

Event Recap: motionball Calgary Gala 2014

Guests arrived at Flames Central dressed to impress in their most colourful attire in support of this year’s theme, Brighter. The event kicked off with an intimate VIP sponsor session during which Calgary YPs were treated to fabulous eats, glasses of bubbly and speeches from several Special Olympians