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Apple Aiming to Release an Electric ‘Apple Car’ as Early as 2019

iPad and iPhone, meet iCar. According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Apple is looking to release its first car as early as 2019. Named ‘Project Titan’, the development team currently consists of 600 people, but the tech company now plans to triple the number of people on the project in

The Text Game Done Changed: A Middle Finger Emoji is Finally Coming

Apple held a big conference or something recently to announce a bunch of things like a pencil, but by far the most significant recent news from the recently founded watch manufacturer is that more emojis are on their way. Most importantly, the mythical middle finger you’ve always wanted to use. That’s

Check Out This Drone Footage of Apple’s Mindblowing New Spaceship Headquarters

Apple is currently building a spaceship in Cupertino, California that will serve as its headquarters when it opens in late 2016 or early 2017. Plans to construct Campus 2 were initially announced by Steve Jobs in 2011, the last public appearance before his death. The circular building features 2,800,000 square feet of space covering nine contiguous

Why Learning How to Code Should Be Your Next Career Move

Vincent Renais had a job. But like a lot of young professionals, he simply wasn’t happy with what he was doing. It was a way to pay the bills, but not something he looked forward to every day. You know what did make him happy though? Apps. He lived off