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Power Couple Jodi Blk and Jose Lopez #DareTO Inspire Each Other Everyday

In the spirit of #DareTO, we spoke with fashion and lifestyle blogger Jodi Blk, and her husband, fitness expert Jose Lopez. Together, this power couple merges their passion for fashion and fitness to fuel their businesses and each other.

The first-ever BMW X2 is BMW’s most daring vehicle yet. To celebrate, BMW Canada and Notable Life are partnering to see if you can #DareTO do what it takes for a chance to win a one-year lease of a BMW X2. Think you have what it takes? Click here to enter.

Tell us about your journey and how fashion + fitness has transformed your life.
Jodi: I’ve always been obsessed with fashion. It’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do. Focusing on and following my passion has lead me to create my own role in the industry and keeps me on my toes every day.  

Jose: For me, fitness is a way of life. Whether it’s being active and getting outside or carving out an hour in my schedule to hit the gym, I find it brings clarity and energy throughout my day so that I’m performing in life at an optimal level.


What advice would you share with people about how to stay motivated and live their best life?
Jodi: I only get one life as Jodi Blk so I might as well focus on living my truth and designing + creating the life I want.

Jose: Do what makes you happy and not what you think others want you to do. Explore your passion and don’t be afraid to switch directions. That’s part of the process of forever evolving.

When it comes to fear and self-doubt, what helps you stay ambitious in reaching your personal and professional goals?
Jodi: I’m realizing that fear and self-doubt never really goes away. I’m trying really hard to learn to live in the moment and not worry about the future but it doesn’t come naturally for me. I just wake up each day trying to make the very best choices possible that will get me to my goals over time. You can’t rush anything.

Jose: There will always be feelings of fear and doubt whenever you’re doing something out of your comfort zone. My school of thought is that you should just do anything once (within reason)..chances are you’ll survive the experience and learn something from it.

If you could go back in time and give your younger self encouragement, what would you say?
Jodi: I’d tell myself not to worry about the small stuff or what people think of me. Don’t be a people pleaser and nobody expects you to be perfect. Focus and believe in your vision. Only spend time with people who are good for your soul.

Jose: I would tell myself to not worry so much about the future. Save your money, even when you’re making a good income! And keep working hard because hard work can’t be denied.


How do you want to inspire others?
Jodi: I’m hoping my career will allow me to inspire people to be their authentic selves and live the life that makes them happy.

Jose: I want to inspire others to treat their health like a gift and to live a lifestyle of continual self-improvement.

What drives you, and how would you encourage people to just go for it?
Jodi: I’m driven by my intuition. I’ve learned how to listen to my instincts and act on them. Don’t ignore what you already know inside you and if you’re not sure what to do, spend some time in nature and or by yourself until the next steps becomes clear.

Jose: My main driver in life is knowing that you can stay stagnant and eventually regress or you can work towards a life of continual self improvement and self fulfillment. Which would you choose?

What’s your favorite memory about a time you just went for it and explored a new direction?
Jodi: I decided to leave my job as a Social Media Specialist to start a blog and grow my IG audience so I could build a brand and a platform + business for myself.

Jose: I was in school to become a teacher because I thought I needed a respectable, grown-up job and that I couldn’t make a living as a trainer. I ended up switching programs and started my own freelance training business at the same time. In the end, it was one of the best business-wise decisions I’ve made. More importantly, it was a great decision for my overall level of happiness.

#DareTO is about doing whatever it takes. What does #DareTO mean to you?
Jodi: #DareTO means facing your fears and mentally just going for it. No questions asked.

Jose: #DareTO means putting aside your fears and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.



On Saturday, June 16, 2018, BMW Canada is giving you the chance to #DareTO see Toronto from its greatest heights, challenge your taste buds, and leave your mark on more than just the city for the chance to win the iconic new BMW X2 vehicle for a year.

Be advised that these challenges are not for the faint of heart, so ask yourself: do you have what it takes to #DareTO? If you think you’re ready to show that you are one of Toronto’s most daring individuals, register HERE your chance to participate in the BMW Canada #DareTO Challenge.

Katlyn Jennings