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Oops: 60 Minutes Mistakes Margaret Trudeau for Kim Cattrall in Interview With PM

On Sunday evening, many Canadians were glued to their televisions watching the latest episode of 60 Minutes.

The evening’s guest of honour was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

For those who didn’t tune in, the program was off to a great start. Mr. Trudeau discussed his affluent upbringing, boxing against senator Patrick Brazeau for charity, and his biggest achievement as prime minister thus far: successfully welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada.

But it really didn’t matter what Trudeau was saying, because those at home watching were completely dumfounded when they realized that 60 Minutes had mistaken Trudeau’s mother, Margaret, with Sex and the City star and fellow Canadian Kim Cattrall.

The two women share very few similarities, so you would assume the producers would have done their homework.

During the interview, the host began talking about Margaret and showed an old black-and-white photo of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau with a young woman. The woman was Kim Cattrall, who was 24 at the time.

Viewers, and the actress herself, then took to Twitter to share their reactions to the mixup. Cattrall took the mistake with a sense of humour:

While others were in a different mood:

Despite the photo flub, the program did a wonderful job of highlighting the Prime Minister’s achievements and welcoming him to Washington, where he’ll be the White House guest of honour at a state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama this Thursday.


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