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Note this: Artist launches first show in Gastown

James Stewart's installation at 5 West Pender Street is most definitely a sight to behold. Amazingly detailed and expertly crafted, Stewart's sculptures are awe-inspiring and mesmerizing

We recently had the chance to check out the latest installation to take over 5 West Pender Street in Vancouver. This nifty little no-name Gastown gallery is presently home to the work of Vancouver artist James Stewart, who confessed to us his Ontario-roots. Mr. Stewart was clearly pumped to preview his first-ever exhibit aptly titled “Pangea.” As James explained to us, this term stems from the beginning: “Earth’s landmass before it shifted to the continents we know today.” (Makes sense given that this show marks a new beginning of sorts for this talented artist).

We were intrigued to take in the unique and exquisitely-detailed sculptures reflective of James’ passion for cultural connectedness. Each piece echoed of his extensive travels and vivid imagination and ability to capture his subject just so – likely assisted by his film industry-background working on notable productions such as District 9, Narnia and Harry Potter, to name a few.

On now until October 2nd, you should make a point of cruising by this stunning presentation to gauge first-hand Stewart’s intense attention to detail. His method and resulting works employ the “cire perdue,” or lost wax method, that dates back to artisans of ancient Greece (Bernini, Rodin come to mind), used to create incredible life-like sculptures that will leave you awe-struck.

Click here to check out some of the photos we snapped at the opening. Trust us, the detail is so much more than a snapshot can convey.

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