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Notable’s Best of 2013: YP Life

In everything from business and personal finance, to weddings, dating and fashion, our YP Life section speaks to young professionals (YPs) across the country with content relevant to our daily lives (if we do say so ourselves). Here are our top YP Life articles of the year...

It’s pretty amazing what can happen in just 365 days. We spent 24 incredible hours in Cali, ate pizza with Diddy in NYC, après skied in Whistler, worked beachside in Nicaragua, hit Fashion Week like divas, made TIFF our BFF, ate and drank at some of this country’s most spectacular new restaurants and bars, and spoke with celebrities, chefs, movie stars, racecar drivers, authors, and influential people from all over the world. So ya, 2013 wasn’t too shabby. And since it deserves a proper farewell, we’ve rounded up the Best of Notable 2013 for you to have a look back at the year that was. Don’t linger in the past too long, though, ‘cause we can’t wait to start turning 2014 into our most memorable year yet! And we hope you’ll be right there with us making it happen.

YP Life

In everything from business and personal finance, to weddings, dating and fashion, our YP Life section speaks to young professionals (YPs) across the country with content relevant to our daily lives (if we do say so ourselves). With an eclectic assortment of contributors, it tackles the issues, annoyances and dilemmas that we all face, along with a sprinkle of the inevitable shamelessly indulgent reads. Here are our top picks for the year…

Beautiful Women, Many Single. Why, Montreal? The Male Perspective
In a follow up to a female perspective, we rounded up some Notable Montreal gents to bombard them with questions over a few weeks with the intention of answering: Beautiful Women, Many Single. Why, Montreal Men? 

11 Nelson Mandela Quotes You Should Always Remember
By living a life so steeped in dedication and principle, Nelson Mandela taught each and every one of us what it means to believe in something with a full heart. Here are 11 powerful quotations from Madiba that every young professional would do well to carry with them…

The Season of Love, Weddings and Debt
When it comes to weddings, a recent superfluous movement has managed to elaborate such a pure and genuine occasion into a parade of lucrative and monarchy-like events for the couple – and into deep debt and slavery for the invitees…

Assuming Perfect: Insight Gained From a Life Cut Short
This much we know: the complexities of young professional life, emotion and circumstance are never accurately reflected on social media platforms. If this wasn’t outrightly obvious before, it certainly was following the shocking death of a dear friend…

Six Things Every Young Professional Can Learn From Walter White
Here are six things that every young professional can learn from the man, the legend, and the anti-hero we all grew to love with guilt, Breaking Bad’s Walter White…

Five Reasons to Have a Crush on Richard Branson
It’s not hard to feel a little weak in the knees when mega-brand mogul Richard Branson takes the stage. Find out what had us hanging onto every one of Branson’s words at C2-MTL…

“Why Can’t I Drink Like I Used to?” and Other Complaints About 30
To try to make sense of the various changes that occur in and around the big three-o, we have once again turned to our favorite young professional MD, Dr. Jamie Rusen…

10 Ways to Decorate Your Rented Space
As the rental market in Canada’s urban centres is extraordinarily strong, many young professionals are looking for quick fixes that don’t put a dent in their wallets… or their landlord’s walls. Just because some of us don’t own our residence doesn’t mean we don’t want it to feel like home…

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Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.