From style blog to Instagram and Pinterest account, these personal brand success stories aren’t just making a name for themselves – they’re building a trademark out of it. Using social media and the Internet to establish and promote their brand, they’ve created a fan base just by being their fabulous selves.
Do you know a millennial who’s been making waves with their personal brand? Be sure to nominate them for this year’s Notable Awards.
The closing date for nominations is Sunday, December 20 at 11:59 p.m.
The Notable Awards launched in 2011 to recognize the most driven and influential millennials across Canada. Three regional winners will be selected (from Ontario, Quebec and Western Canada) and one of these incredible personal brand icons will win at the Notable Awards Ceremony on February 17, 2016 in Toronto.
Previous winners include Monika Hibbs (MH by Monika), Marta Tryshak (Love Gabriella Inc.)