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#NotableAwards: Do You Know a Future Prime Minister of Canada?

We don’t need to make Canada great again –it already is. But that’s only because of the dedication of amazing politicians who make it their life’s work to campaign for policy and legislation that they truly believe in. Leading the way on big issues like climate change, immigration and economy, they drive the future of our country.

We may have just elected a new Prime Minister, but do you know a future one? Nominate an outstanding politician for this year’s Notable Awards.

Cast your ballot before voting closes on Sunday, December 20 at 11:59 p.m.

The Notable Awards launched in 2011 to recognize the most driven and influential millennials across Canada. 2015 saw the introduction of Politics as a brand new category. Three regional winners will be selected (from Ontario, Quebec and Western Canada) and one of these incredible future leaders will win at the Notable Awards Ceremony on February 17, 2016 in Toronto.


Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.