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Notable at the TIFF 2011 After Party for Violet and Daisy

Notable got some face-time with Violet and Daisy stars Alexis Bledel and James Gandolfini at the TIFF 2011 post-screening after party. Check it out

We hit up the after party for the TIFF 2011 screening of the film Violet and Daisy on Thursday night, and caught up with former Gilmore Girl Alexis Bledel, who hasn’t seemed to age a bit since her Rory days. The TV-star-turned-film-actress spoke to us about her new film – about two teenaged assassins who are given a mission unlike any they’ve had before – and what it was like to work with co-star James Gandolfini. Speaking of whom, Notable’s own Julian Brass got up close and personal (maybe a little too personal) with. Check out the vid here.

Check out all of’s TIFF 2011 coverage on NotableTV.

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