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Must Attend: How to Keep Your Millennial Mind Healthy

With constant stimuli and an abundance of information always at our fingertips, the millennial mind is a pretty complex thing.

It takes a strong-minded young professional to rise to the top these days, and to use his or her cognitive thinking skills to stand out from the rest. You need to be able to think, reason, and rationalize – often in record time.

That’s why the health of our brains is a matter we don’t take lightly.

Because every successful young professional is in constant pursuit of knowledge, Women’s Brain Health Initiative (WBHI) will host a panel discussion on Thursday, November 5 that you won’t want to miss. Four of the city’s most inspiring professionals, including our very own founder and CEO Julian Brass, will offer their seasoned insight on why you should care about your brain health now, the damage stress and unhealthy eating habits have on mental acuity, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Julian will join fellow panelists Dan Jacob (Co-Founder TedxToronto); Sasha Gollish (Athlete & Road Safety Engineer); and Nicole Verkindt (Founder OMX, Dragon, Next Gen Den).

Special guest speaker Dr. Elizabeth Chertkow, a respected family physician, will join panelists in what promises to be an engaging and important dialogue.

The outstanding individuals involved inspire others and represent the kind of smarts, insight, and innovative thinking that WBHI is dedicated to preserve and protect.

The event will include appetizers, drinks, a swag bag, and door prizes, not to mention no shortage of fellow like-minded young professionals armed with business cards.

All proceeds will benefit the Women’s Brain Health Initiative.

The Vitals:
When: Thursday November 5, 5:30pm-8:30pm.
Where: Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, 209 Victoria Ave.

Buy your tickets (before they sell out) here.


Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.