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More Racist Posters Are Starting to Pop Up Across Canada

Throughout the U.S. election, we Canadians liked to believe we lived in some sort of utopia free of all the poisonous rhetoric unfolding South of the Border.

Now, with Trump having been elected President, Canada’s own alt-right – see: “all-white” – supporters have given themselves license to emerge.

Racist posters recently started to emerge in Toronto that called on white people to fight multiculturalism, and on Monday more of this nonsense surfaced in Edmonton – the city making racism awkward.

The posters in the Alberta capital proclaimed “It’s Only Racist When White People Do It” and “Tired of Anti-White Propaganda? You Are Not Alone,” with links to websites and YouTube channels catering to the alt-right movement.

“The American election and Trump’s hate speech has given legitimacy to these types of organizations. It’s very frightening,” said city councillor Janet Davis. “It’s very troublesome that the Trump election has unleashed this kind of hate.”

Honestly, people – stop this sh*t.

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