For the second year in a row, Moores is calling upon charitable men – and women with access to their men’s closets, we presume – to donate their “gently used” suits to the Moores Canadian Suit Drive. To kick off the initiative – which endeavours to collect second-hand men’s professional attire to help unemployed workers in local Canadian communities – street teams of men dressed only in boxers, dress shoes, socks, and ties will take to the streets carrying signs that read: Give The Suit Off Your Back.
On Tuesday, the Moores Canadian Suit Drive street teams will strut their stuff during the morning and lunchtime rush hours to raise awareness and encourage donations at any of the Moores locations across Canada. The drive runs from July 27th through August 31st, and Moores will accept gently used men’s suits, shirts, pants, jackets, ties, belts and shoes for distribution to around 50 local recipient organizations across Canada. These donations will help men transition back into the workforce and suit up for success.
The Moores Canadian Suit Drive is the perfect opportunity for us YP men to free up some space in our closet while helping out one of the thousands of Canadian men who are looking to make notable first impressions when going on job interviews – we all know how important that is, not just to the interviewer but also to being able to exude confidence when answering those tough screening questions.
So take to your closet, donate what you can, and help your fellow Canadians get back into the workforce!
The Moores Canadian Suit Drive Street Team Locations and Times
Toronto – 7:30 to 9:30am at Bay and Front Streets; 12 to 2pm at Yonge and Eglinton
Montreal – 7:30 to 9:30am at Square Phillips; 12 to 2pm at Places Jacques Cartier
Calgary – 12 to 2pm at 8th Avenue and First Street SW
Vancouver – 7:30 to 9:30am at Waterfront Station (on Cordova); 12 to 2pm at Robson and Burrard Streets