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Millennials Care More About Money Than Anything Else in Their Careers

It’s no secret millennials get a bad rep.

We’re coloured as entitled job-hoppers who get restless in one place for too long and are in constant pursuit of the next best thing.

Sad, but true.

According to a new survey, however, millennials are actually quite loyal to their work – as long as they’re paid fairly.

A recent Credit Karma survey set out to determine millennial attitudes and intentions with respect to work, major life choices, and milestones.

“The results turned perceptions of the millennial generation upside down.”

That’s a pretty big statement.


Perhaps unsurprising, the survey revealed that millennials care about money, with cold, hard cash the primary career motivation emotions or mission.

About two-thirds of those surveyed reported that a wage increase (over one half) or a promotion (just shy of one quarter) as motivating factors to switch careers.

Only one-in-four, meanwhile, left their job because they wanted to try new things.

Contrary to popular belief, about three out of every five respondents said that they would like to stay in their current job for more than three years. In fact, the youngest of working millennials – those aged 18 to 28 – expressed a desire to work for their current company for at least four years.

Twenty-five per cent revealed that they anticipated staying at their current company for eight years or more.

Older millennials (those ages 29-34) reported that they’d stayed on average of four years at each professional job they’d had since graduation.


And there’s a blame game, too: Millennials say their employers are cause for concern in the workplace. They claim that employers are no longer loyal to their employees.

In fact, about 78 percent of millennials reported that they were concerned over job security, while 45 percent said they are very concerned they could one day be out of work.

It sounds like both sides would benefit from a group therapy session.


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