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Jessica Glazer: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Jessica Glazer is a young entrepreneur, mother and consistent gym rat, a combination that makes for a pretty funny, caring, strong and tough woman. She started her business mooching Internet and phone access from her boyfriend/now husband and created what she finds to be the most beautiful growing recruitment company in Canada. Find out more in today's Notable Young Entrepreneur profile

Jessica Glazer is a young entrepreneur, mother and consistent gym rat, a combination that makes for a pretty funny, caring, strong and tough woman. She started her business mooching Internet and phone access from her boyfriend/now husband and created what she finds to be the most beautiful growing recruitment company in Canada. Find out more in today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur profile…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
I am the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer of MindHR. I created my placement agency eight years ago as a network of independent recruiters that work together to help clients and candidates find exactly what they are looking for. I insist that my team not throw candidates to clients just because; we actively headhunt the market place to find an exact match. To compliment my recruiting company, I  also brought on a freelance copywriter to help candidates revamp their resume and LinkedIn profile. Most recently I was elected by her peers to be on the National Board of Directors for the only nationally recognized placement agency organization, ACSESS.

Why did you start working at your company? What was the inspiration for this career route?
I started my company as I believed there had to be a better way to present candidates to clients while treating recruiters well. My biggest pet peeve was sitting in the office hearing owners of a recruiting company say about their clients, “Why can’t they just give this or that,” while we were sitting there making less than someone at McDonalds. I eventually left the company for the sole reason that I believe in treating people fairly. I offer the highest commission to my recruiters, will always be fair, and their schedule is unbeatable. My word and my name are everything and I plan to keep both for a very long time. 

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
I LOVE that I am working with people for people. I love that the glass I sell can break, talk to other glasses and change shelves. That I can’t sell two glasses exactly the same. I LOVE when we help clients find that perfect candidate and that perfect candidate loves the job we presented them with. I call my job paid social work – I get to help people who don’t even know they want help…it’s the BEST! The most challenging part is probably convincing companies that we truly are better than our competitors, but I really believe we are. We really go out to find that golden needle in a haystack. It’s the most amazing thrill of the chase. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Growing. I have recently heard that I could be the next Oprah as I apparently have similar views. Now if someone also compared me to Richard Branson, I’d be ecstatic. I truly believe he runs a fun and fabulous business model but one day, not five years, well I guess it depends on what opportunities come my way. I would like to grow at a nice and stable pace. More public speaking engagements, more clients, larger team etc.Tommy Schnurmacher of CJAD insists I get a book out, but one thing at a time, I am only the power of one.

What does success look like to you?
Success to me is not all about the money. Of course, not having to think “that that’s too expensive” when looking at a menu is nice, BUT having a team who loves to go to work, who write to each other “Happy Friday” without me saying a peep, and believes in the product they are working for while loving me as their boss/mentor, that to me is success! When your business professionals have become family, even with a little drama here or there, it’s simply perfect. 

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
Being selected as the recruiter to speak weekly on Montreal News Talk Radio CJAD. The producer plugged me to Tommy Schnurmacher; Tommy interviewed me on air and it was love at first argument. I love my radio gig there and am so grateful for the chance to prove myself weekly. Bringing on my first official independent recruiter was a big step for me as well. Since recruiting is so competitive, the idea of trusting someone with all your knowledge is scary, so the fact I was able to overcome that day is a memory…a great one.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
I was once profiled on TV with Mark Bergman and I was asked the same question, it was about six years ago, and I would say the same thing then as I say now: “Stick With It.” You have goals, set them, write them down if you have to, but what ever you do, STICK WITH THEM! Don’t let anyone deter you from your career goals and don’t let your mind fool you that you can’t accomplish them. The mind can play a lot of games if you let it, so if you thought it was possible, then chances are it is possible! 

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
The Jewish General Hospital, War Amps and almost anyone who asks for a donation…but it’s on a first come, first serve basis when it comes to walks, runs, squash tournaments etc. I believe in giving. It’s something my grandparents and my parents taught me. Whenever money comes in, something should go to charity. Doesn’t matter which one you chose, but it should go to someone less fortunate then yourself.  I was fortunate enough to get a tour of the JGH and the psych ward…I donate as regularly as possible to the JGH because of that tour. It was gut wrenching.

What to you is notable?
Caring. If you don’t care about others, when it comes to sales, it just won’t happen in my opinion.

BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
BlackBerry. People ask and I laugh and say, “I am going down with the ship.” I’m not the captain, but like all of us Blackberry people, it’s the keyboard. I have started playing with the iPad, though…that’s fun! 

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