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Jared March: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today's Notable Young Entrepreneur is Jared March, who launched Socking Behaviour to offer an e-commerce destination that carries leading brands of men’s socks. What was the inspiration behind the idea? Read on to find out

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is Jared March, who launched Socking Behaviour to offer an e-commerce destination that carries leading brands of men’s socks. What was the inspiration behind the idea? Read on to find out…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your business in a nutshell.
Socking Behaviour is an e-commerce business that carries the leading brands of men’s socks, with over 150 styles to choose from, and a curated selection of other men’s accessories including handmade ties. It provides an easy environment for men to find socks that fit their personality without having to leave their home. The Sock of the Month club is also available on Socking Behaviour for women who want to get an awesome gift for the special man in their lives or for men who wish to create a sock collection.

Why did you start your business, what was the inspiration?
I started my business because I knew I was meant to be an entrepreneur, plus I’m passionate about menswear and I saw something missing in the e-commerce market. I had graduated from law school and articled and worked as a stock analyst, but doing more traditional jobs just highlighted the need to start my own business. The idea of creating something from nothing has always appealed to me.

The inspiration for the specific focus on socks and menswear came from my personal passion for style and, as a customer, my past shopping experiences. When I was looking for some cool socks to add to my wardrobe, I ended up going all over the city. I love socks but I don’t like going from store to store. Most online sites are adaptions of retail stores. I wanted to create an e-commerce site that is specifically designed for e-commerce. By focusing on socks and accessories, our customers get products that will almost always fit perfectly and are exactly what they expect. Having ordered shirts, pants and jackets online, I know all too well how frustrating some e-commerce experiences can be.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
The best part is interacting with so many great people. I’m totally focused on making sure the customer has the best experience so I try to interact with our customers as much as possible. While (most) guys don’t like interacting with salespeople in a store and feeling pressured to buy something, it doesn’t mean we don’t like talking about style or finding things we like from seeing pictures. Using Facebook and especially our Instagram account (@Sockingbehaviour), I get to chat with a lot of our customers. Our social media is less about branding and more about getting to know our customers, which I really love. And being the buyer for Socking Behaviour is really fun. I love seeing all the new products; after all, I’m completely obsessed with menswear and men’s socks.

Where do you see your business going in five years?
Every day I’m always thinking about what I can do with the business in the next few years. Our next major move is moving into the U.S. market. Right now, shipping is only available in Canada – I wanted to make sure the user experience was as close to perfect as possible before trying to acquire American customers. There are also a few more brands that Socking Behaviour is in the process of adding that I’m very excited to be carrying. I see Socking Behaviour being a Canadian-owned and run global e-commerce company in five years.

What does success look like to you?
Success is being able to wake up and do what I love to do, while also being able to support a family. Being an entrepreneur makes me happy. It makes me think more creatively and always challenge myself. It’s not about owning a yacht or private jet, but being able to create something other people want to be a part of.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
The actual launch of Socking Behaviour. I was so excited before I was about to make the site go live and open it to the public. You spend so much time creating something and you hope that other people love it as much as you do. I felt proud of what I had built and I wanted to share it with all the people that I care about. I wanted to show what I had been working so hard on over the past half of a year.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Figure out what you care the most about and work hard. It’s hard to have direction and motivation without knowing where you want to go. Figuring that out is half the battle. The other half is working hard. If you are fortunate enough to have a passion that you can turn into a career, do it. It will keep you motivated and working. Having talent and ideas only carries you so far. You need to have that work ethic that keeps you working when things aren’t going your way. Ultimately, being able to show your passion for what you do and that you will work harder than anyone else is what will separate you and your business from others.

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
During undergrad, I created a charity hockey tournament at Queen’s University called the Cure Cancer Classic (CCC). This January will be the 10th year its run. I created the tournament when my dad was sick. Getting involved and giving back was important to me as it was how I showed my support to my dad. To date, the tournament has raised well over $80,000. Over the years the funds have gone to both the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario and the Canadian Cancer Society. I’m not still involved but that experience showed me how amazing being actively involved with charity is. I have an idea that I’m working on, but you’ll have to follow Socking Behaviour as it’s still about six months to a year away from being able to come together.

What is Notable to you?
People that inspire others. I want to work very hard so I can be in a real position where I can mentor others and help them pursue their dreams. Canada has produced some extremely notable people. The way Terry Fox brought an entire nation together was incredible. Then there are people like David Suzuki, who have dedicated their whole lives towards something. Then there are entrepreneurs like Mike Lazaridis. Blackberry is having a brutal time but they helped evolve Kitchener and Waterloo into a tech hub. They impacted the entire city, province and country where they live. I want to build my business and I want to ultimately use it to improve the community I live in.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
Despite my answer above, iPhone. It’s just so easy and user-friendly.

How do you keep active, energetic, and vibrant?
A lot of lifting and packing of socks and merchandise helps keep me in tip-top shape. I get energy from being around my family. I love playing with my little nephews and nieces. My vibrancy comes from my socks, they just beam!

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