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Is this the Coolest House in the World?

You speed towards the edge of a cliff that hangs over an infinite expansive of ocean. No one is around you. Only the sun setting on the horizon and the endless sound of waves meeting their inevitable death on the hard shore below are there to offer you company.

Oh, and the coolest f*cking house in the world.

According to the architects behind it, The Cliff House was “inspired by the way barnacles cling to the hull of a ship… the home is visualised as a natural extension of the cliff face rather than an addition to the landscape, creating an absolute connection with the ocean.”

Still only a concept for now, here’s hoping Modscape manages to hang this house sooner rather than later. (And somewhere other than Australia too, please.)

Winter access is…tricky

Just one question – where’s the diving board?

All photos courtesy of Modscape.

Notable Life

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