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In New Dove Campaign 96% of Women Choose to Call Themselves Average

Dove is back with another self-esteem-promoting campaign – and it could be the most telling to date. The company’s ‘Choose Beautiful’ video looks at the attitudes of women in five major cities when it comes to their personal appearance; whether they consider themselves “average” or “beautiful”

In our era of social media, Photoshop, and limitless possibilities for manufactured beauty, it’s easy for women to feel, well, “less than.” 

Luckily, we’ve seen a shift to redefine what beauty, like the mass embrace of fuller figure models and accompanying campaigns like #ImNoAngel

Dove is back with one of its most telling campaigns yet. 

It’s called Choose Beautiful.  

The New Dove short film looks at real women in five different cities – San Francisco, Shanghai, Delhi, London, and Sao Paolo – and asks whether they define themselves as “average” or “beautiful.”  

The women had an option of two pathways to walk, each of which lead to a different door, one marked “average,” and one marked “beautiful.” It was up to them as to which they walked through. 

The sad news is that a shocking 96 per cent of women didn’t use the word “beautiful” to describe how they look. 

Some wavered between the two, others regretted choosing the “average” door after, and most chose the “average” door without hesitation.  

On the positive, although the majority of the women don’t describe themselves as beautiful, 80 per cent agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful.  

When it comes down to it, feeling beautiful is a choice.  

And feeling beautiful means feeling confident and happy in one’s own skin – as much as that sounds cliché or like an after-school special on TV. 


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