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Hydro One Rehires Man Who Was Fired Over FHITP Outburst at TFC Game

We all remember this guy.

It was kind of hard not to.

Shawn Simoes wasn’t the one who yelled FHINP into the microphone of CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt, but his subsequent live rant about how it was “fucking amazing” and how he “respected it” was enough to get him fired from his $100,000+ job at Hydro One.

Or so we thought.

Global News is now reporting that after a long arbitration process Hydro One has now rehired Simoes.

In the past several years we’ve seen all kinds of social media shaming, and this story was definitely at the forefront for a few weeks. Let us know what you think on our Facebook page. Should Simoes have been rehired or was his initial firing from Hydro One the right approach? Has social media shaming made you more aware/careful in your own life?

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s the video that got Simoes in trouble:


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