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How the Notable Awards Changed My Life: Notable Life Chief Creative Officer Laura Denham

With the 2018 Notable Awards just around the corner, we’ve got “winning” on the brain.

Notable Life Chief Creative Officer and Chair of this year’s Advisory Committee, Laura Denham, was the recipient of last year’s “Notable Leader of the Year” award. We sat down with her to talk about how winning a Notable Award has impacted her life, and what she wants you to know about the awards coming up this year.

We’re excited to announce the launching of our new video series: #CareerGoals. We’ve been thinking about our career path since we were kids. We want the career that’s as unique as we are. We want to be inspired by the jobs we haven’t heard about. And we want to know how to get them too. #CareerGoals is a video series that will showcase Notable millennials with the dream jobs, the crazy jobs, the coveted jobs, the surprising jobs and the jobs you are dying to get. This content series will inspire audiences to think outside the career box, learn about interesting career paths and help them figure out how to get there. Who better to kick things off than our CCO Laura herself? #CareerGoals

Tell us about why you submitted for a Notable Award last year? Last year, I made a goal to continue working as hard as I do, but not just on my work – on my brand as well. Sometimes when you are so focused on deliverables, you can lose sight of specifically investing in yourself and building your credentials. The Notable Awards is one way for professional millennials to do just that. And lucky for me, a close friend with whom I shared this goal submitted me for consideration. The Notable Life community has been an important part of my professional network for over 8 years. I was honoured to be submitted and wished I had submitted myself long ago! The Notable Awards really do provide an opportunity to gain visibility amongst an impressive set of driven people and brands across the country. Once my nomination was announced, I took this opportunity and actively started asking my community for votes.

How has winning the Notable Leader of the Year award changed your life? The most obvious way is that it allowed me to become more embedded with Notable Life itself, which resulted in me eventually accepting a position with the team. And not just any position, but one that validated a point of view I had in my skills and talents. Receiving the honour of Leader of the Year reinforced my confidence and reignited my drive to create. Having your peers recognize you in this way is absolutely thrilling and fills you with gratitude. it also deepened my connections with the community – from entrepreneurs to creators, accountants to photographers, to graffiti artists and filmmakers. The Notable Life community inspires me and earning their seal of approval helps you feel like anything is possible if you hustle, work hard, invest in connections, believe in yourself and take action with humility and confidence. We are the crew who are constantly working to lift each other up. After the 2017 Notable Awards, I felt the support of this community.  

You’re chairing the Notable Awards Advisory Committee this year – which will be picking the official nominees for each category. What is the committee looking for in the submissions? We get asked this so frequently! Let me start by saying, choosing nominees is NOT a popularity contest. For example, you do not have 100k followers on Instagram – we’re looking more at the engagement of the followers and the community you do have – digitally and IRL. We’ll be diving deep into every single submission to look at major successes the candidate has accomplished over the last year, in addition to how that person is perceived professionally among peers in their industry. We’ll also evaluate things like passion, resourcefulness, hustle, persistence, ingenuity and community impact. Lastly, the committee is committed to what I call the “good human” factor. You CAN be successful AND a nice person. Let’s honour people who are killing it while also making this world a great place, who are doing good and who are making an impact through their integrity and support of others.

What qualities do you think embody a good nominee? The candidate should be a trailblazer – someone who isn’t afraid to make unconventional leaps in their career. They’ve thought of amazing solutions to solve tasks at hand and those solutions have driven AMAZING results. They are also a hard worker. Someone who doesn’t shy away from digging in and getting their hands dirty. We are looking for the people who go deep and wide. Lastly, a good nominee is going to hustle for their votes! Don’t be shy. Tell Canada why they should vote for you. Confidently go after it and get it!

Why should someone submit themselves or someone amazing? This is a simple answer – because good people deserve to be recognized. There’s a lot of noise in this world. Let’s collectively band together to submit the people who represent the best of us. Let’s show Canada what our generation is really like. We are motivated, creative, entrepreneurial, resilient and action-oriented people. Let’s showcase these people and give them the recognition they deserve. Some other pluses: nominees are showcased across all of Notable Life’s media properties in the weeks leading up to the Awards. You can be sure that hundreds of thousands of like-minded millennials will see the name you’re making for yourself. Not to mention it all culminates in the ULTIMATE throwback house party at Evergreen Brick Works on November 21st.

Why are you excited about this year’s Notable Awards? Those who know me well know I absolutely LOVE throwback jams – as the CCO, I’m producing the Awards party this year and CAN’T WAIT to tear it up on the dance floor alongside some of the most hardworking hustlers in our country. Plus, I can’t wait to meet even more interesting Notables at the Awards. I always leave that party with a ton of new connections and friends.

There are only 5 DAYS LEFT to submit yourself or someone amazing to be considered! Our generation is killing it and it’s time to get noticed! Do you follow, work with or simply feel inspired by another millennial who’s at the top of their game? Do you yourself live a #NotableLife? Submit yourself or someone else now to be considered for a 2018 Notable Award now. Nominees will be announced on October 30th, 2018. We LOVE love. And to prove it, each Notable who submits a candidate will receive 1 Barry’s Bootcamp Canada class on us. In addition to a Barry’s class, you will also receive 50% off 1 iYellow Wine School class.

Early bird tickets are now on sale for $69! Your ticket includes open bar, Instagram content zones, premium food from your favourite Toronto hotspots, as well as a $10 Lyft promo code to get you home safely. This year’s #NotableAwards is also hosting iYellow Wine Club’s #HolidayWineJam, which means we have not 1, not 2, but one-HUNDRED wines for you to sip on all night long with the who’s who of Toronto. This is an incredible opportunity to celebrate and socialize with Toronto’s most #Notable humans at the BEST HOUSE PARTY OF THE YEAR!!!

Carla Bragagnolo

Carla is in constant pursuit of the extraordinary; she is based out of Toronto due to its proximity to great food, its diverse music scene, and because it allows her to catch a flight to pretty much anywhere. Follow her adventures at @carlabrags.