Summer and BBQ are synonymous for the typical young professional. BBQ-savvy YPs know that an art very much exists to grilling that perfect steak, burger, chop or chicken breast, and take pride in their stellar grilling skills. Adding a personal touch to their edible creations, BBQ masters can sear their own initials into steaks and chops with William Sonoma’s iron brand, hand forged by a Texas cattle rancher. BBQ eats are personalized with a triple initial, double initial and single initial, all of equal height and weight and in a selection of font styles, with the brand custom made just for you…much like your steak.
This tool is a perfect gift for the guy who has everything, not to mention his entire crew of groomsmen, and provides a unique personal touch to grilled meats, as well as a conversation piece at dinner parties. For those YPs with regularly visiting dinner guests (and deep pockets), ensure that there will be no mixing up each guest’s unique steak by purchasing one for your SO, in-laws or other YP couples, in addition to yourself.
The iron brand is an authentic mini version of the age-old cattle brands used to identify livestock and ranch families. Durable and easy to clean, it is a welcomed addition to your backyard grilling set, either at home or at the cottage. It comes with a wall-mounting rack for easy storage.
Steak brands can be ordered online here, but do so now; due to the personalized nature of the item, Canadians should allow four to five weeks for delivery. We must admit, we wish we had have discovered this earlier, but alas, its better late than never!
Price: $48, plus a $10 flat rate for shipping, inclusive of duty.