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#GreaterTorontoDay Wants to Make the GTA an Even Better Place to Live

Toronto is already a pretty great city – and we’re not the only ones who think so (Vogue, we’re looking at you).

But that’s no excuse to start slacking now, is it?

We can always make Toronto even better. And that’s exactly what Global News will be aiming to do on Thursday, May 26 at their first annual #GreaterTorontoDay.

To help make the GTA an even better place to live, they’re asking that you perform one act of kindness.

Like all good deeds, it doesn’t need to be flashy or over the top – just a simple action to show you care is all it takes.




“The act can be as small as buying the next person in line a coffee, bringing in a neighbour’s garbage bins from the sidewalk, paying for someone’s transit fare, donating old clothes to charity, volunteering at a food bank or cleaning up a park – anything that helps the GTA,” said a Global News spokesperson.

Getting involved in the inaugural #GreaterTorontoDay couldn’t be easier. Do something big or small to help make the GTA great. Then share your good deed on social media with the #GreaterTorontoDay.

Plus, three lucky people will be randomly selected to receive $1000 to donate to a local charity in their name.

And since Canadians are renowned for their politeness and good manners, we don’t think Torontonians will have any problem sprinkling a little joy next Thursday.






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