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Does Calgary Need Another Steakhouse? Yes, Yes it Does

When people visit from bigger cities they’re always impressed with how fast Calgary’s culinary scene is moving. In the last year alone, it feels as if at least one new restaurant has opened up per week. And while the Calgary palate isn’t afraid to try new things, this weekend we’re returning to our foodie roots with a brand new steakhouse

If you dine in Kensington you probably have list of staple restaurants. 

If Italian is on your mind you have Pulcinella. If you’re feeling like something decadent you pick Wine Bar. And if you’re hoping to run into Brangelina then you head to the Chef’s Table at the Kensington Inn. 

But here’s something totally new to add to your list this weekend. Before most of you were up this morning we saw two popular little hashtags (#yycfood and #open) pop-up on Twitter to signal the opening of Modern Steak.

Now, before you ask, “Does Calgary need another steakhouse?”     

Keep reading.

There’s definitely the crowd who still equates a steakhouse with the more irksome and tacky parts of Calgarian culture, but we can assure you this isn’t the kind of protein crazed eatery you’re used to.  

How do we know? 

To make sure this place was up to snuff for our readers we took a private tour of the space yesterday and you’ll be happy to know that Modern Steak’s setting up shop in the old Muse. Even after a makeover to update the space; you’ll still love the multi-levels, the stunning atrium, and the private dining room on the lower level set up to host the most notable of private parties. 

And the food? 

The menu here definitely pays tribute to the surf and turf classics but the raw bar is set up with Oceanwise options while the cuts of steak can all be found from farms within an easy driving distance.

Beyond the usual suspects, Modern Steak is also heavily focused on new versions of tried and true bourbon cocktails like the Tom Sawyer and Maker’s Mark Mojito.   

For those of you who just aren’t into Porterhouses or Tomahawks, rest assured you still have fondue and veggie options.

Beyond updating standard menu items, Modern Steak will also be open later than most restaurants in Kensington and will offer the area a cool new solution to late night dining with the lounge and late menu available until 2am.

So the next the time you feel like shaking up your restaurant routine, try a new take on an old favourite. 

You might surprise yourself.


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