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Category: News

Russia Could Be On The Verge Of Destabilizing Politics in Canada

With Russia’s hand heavy on American politics, should young Canadians be concerned about where their vote is going in Canada’s future elections? In a little over two years Canada will be having another federal election: Oct. 21, 2019. Just last year hackers, allegedly Russian, interfered in the most recent U.S.

Michael Moore Is Making A Powerful Documentary To Take Down Trump

Michael Moore, Academy Award winning director known for his left leaning films is in the process of making a new documentary entitled Fahrenheit 11/9 – a reference to the day U.S. President Donald Trump won the election and callback to an earlier film of his called Fahrenheit 9/11. Moore is

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Loose Lips Last Week

The Washington Post broke a story alleging U.S. President Donald Trump had leaked extremely classified information to two Russian officials during a meeting in the oval office last week. President Trump went off script and revealed information regarding a possible terror threat from the Islamic State during a meeting meant

The Best Tweets About The Kendall Jenner Pepsi Advertisement

Pepsi and Kendall Jenner both made a bizarre, horrible decision to commercialize a protest, depicted in a new advertisement for the brand. Social media and members of the Black Lives Matter movement immediately criticized Pepsi and Jenner for invoking a Black Lives Matter protest and appropriating a movement that highlights the

Why Would Crayola Eliminate Such a Happy Colour?

Dandelion yellow is the colour of so many wonderful things: sunshine, spring tulips, golden retriever puppies, lemonade, and rubber duckies to name a few. Crayola recently weeded out Dandelion Yellow for reasons that remain unknown. The crayon announced his retirement yesterday, himself. It seems strange for them to knock out