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Category: Health + Wellness

Mental Health in the Workplace: A Rising Concern

The impact of mental health issues on the workplace has become an increasingly pressing concern, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a significant rise in mental health-related claims among young Canadians, it is clear that proactive efforts are needed to address mental health in professional settings.

woman of colour in a pink shower with a face mask on and pink headband.

Take Yourself on a Date this February 14th

If you are leaning into your “Eras” (and no, we aren’t referring to Taylor Swift’s next tour), then perhaps this February 14th can be considered your “Self Dating Era.”

6 Self-Care Level-Ups for the New Year

These cold, dark days in the aftermath of the holiday season and already abandoned New Year’s resolutions can catch us off guard. It’s imperative that we find ways to keep ourselves joyful and refreshed to usher in a healthy new year. We’ve curated a list of the latest wellness offerings

The Orange Table: Mionetto Brings Riposo to North America

The first time I experienced riposo I had no idea what was happening. I was eighteen, backpacking around Europe and I had feet on the ground in Italy for about six hours, off the train in Brindisi before hopping the ferry to Greece. My travel companion and I were eager