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Category: Finance

NDP wants costs of the pandemic to be paid by those who profited from it

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has pushed for a wealth tax in the House of Commons. The money generated from the tax will finance Canada’s pandemic recovery. Singh’s proposed tax will target the super-wealthy and those who profited massively during the pandemic. That includes anyone with a fortune exceeding $20 million.

Ontario senator proposes wage freeze for all federal politicians

Senator Lucie Moncion, who represents Ontario, wants to freeze pay hikes for Parliamentarians. Why? “To prevent the privileges that senators enjoy from becoming disconnected from the harsh economic reality facing many Canadians.” Solidarity, sister. “For people who hold public office, when you see people struggling around you it is hard

Canada’s 20 richest people made $37 billion during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic was a reason for most people to fret for their financial future. Not so for the 1%. According to a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Initiatives, Canada’s rich got even richer over the past half a year. Much richer, in fact. The country’s top 20

Toronto has one of the world’s most unaffordable transit systems

Complaining about the TTC is a rite of passage as old as, well, the TTC. I’m not going to get into all of the grievancves here and, honestly, riding the rocket really ain’t all that bad. But it is expensive, and that’s a problem. According to the bargain-hunting website Picodi,