If the reason for leaving your last job was a lack of bacon-related responsibilities, then we have two mouth-watering words for you.
Bacon. Critic.
That’s right. The position of Bacon Critic really exists and there is someone out there who will pay you actual currency to perform the duties of said job. And they’re pretty incredible.
Extra Crispy, a new breakfast food website that launched today, is recruiting a bacon specialist to perform extensive “research” and eventually crown the best bacon in the country.
Applicants will need a strong sense of what makes good or bad bacon and be an expert on the specicialized genre of cured pork belly.
“Serious writing chops, sense of adventure, and an insatiable hunger – for bacon” are also necessary credentials for bacon enthusiasts hoping to fill the post.
Anticipating any disbelief, the listing reads: “Yes, this is a very real paid freelance position we’re looking to fill in the near future.”
Almost as exciting is that New York-based publishing company Time Inc. has launched their new website dedicated entirely to brunch.
Ladies and gentleman, we have reached peak millennial.
The successful applicant must be over 21 and live somewhere in the U.S. – but for the chance to spend a “three-month appointment researching, writing about, obsessing over, and critiquing bacon,” we think it’s probably worth the paperwork, relocation, and, dare we say it, potential Trump presidency.
If you think you’re up to the challenge you’ll need to write a short essay of 600 words or less recounting your favourite bacon-related memory (however will we whittle it down to just ONE!?) and sending it to bacon@extracrispy.com by June 24.
It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.