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And the Live at YVR Winner Is…

The winner of Live@YVR was announced Tuesday, and now we have but a week to wait before the "lucky" fellow takes up residence in Vancouver International Airport for 80 days and nights to document the day-to-day of airport life and the interesting people who pass through

Ladies and gentlemen…the winner is… Jaeger Mah!

This 29-year-old hailing from Port Alberni is about to experience the adventure of his life without ever having to leave the grounds of Vancouver’s International Airport.

As of August 17th, Mah will live in the lap of airport luxury, setting up shop in the swanky Fairmont YVR Hotel for a total of 80 days and nights as he chronicles the day-to-day action of life in the airport for tens of thousands of people each day.

For the past several months – and as part of YVR’s 80th Anniversary – the Vancouver International Airport has been running the unique Live@YVR contest in search of the perfect (passionate) candidate deemed notable enough to document life at its Sea Island base.

Through various facets of social media tools, Jaeger Mah will have free-reign to interview everyone from pilots to patrons, cargo-handlers to celebrities as well as travellers and workers-alike – all part of this creative initiative that will shed light on the micro-society that makes up YVR.

We’re keen to garner a notable glimpse into what really goes on behind those closed, security-enabled doors and check out the other aspects that make up the YVR machine. Jaeger Mah promises to report back on all the secret spots enclosed within what will be his bustling confines over the next several months, and aims to bring to light the multitude of personalities he feels make up this award-winning airport.

We can’t wait to hear more of what he has to say and think you should tune in, too. Follow his blog starting August 17th, and Mah be keeping us all up-to-date via twitter as well, and can be found @liveatyvr soon.

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