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7 Things You Need to Know to Have a Hell of a Time Travelling Solo

Travelling solo is an exhilarating, challenging, enlightening, and memorable experience all in one.

These single journeys can provide insight into the person you are in ways that no other situation can. For those about to embark on their first solo quest – whether for a week or a year – travelcuts has put together their top tips you’ll want to keep in mind for your lone venture.

Be well prepared.
Prior to departure, be sure to leave a copy of your passport and other important pieces of identification along with travel details and contact numbers with a trusted friend or family member back home. Should an emergency come up, like a misplaced passport, this will at the very least help ease the situation.

backpacking city

Organization is key.
Make yourself an itinerary that is packed with every ounce of information you might need. From hotel and airport check in times, to which subway line will get you from the airport to downtown, and the emergency numbers for each city – include it all! Although this can be a challenging feat initially, you will be thankful to have all resources in one place, right in front of you, and most importantly in English!

Remember, you’re on your own…
It’s important to realize that although you only have to look after yourself, you do have to be able to manage everything on your own. Keep this in mind when you’re packing your bag – whether it be a backpack or a suitcase, make sure you can easily carry it and feel comfortable toting it around.

Bring Backup Payment
Backup payment should be a necessity for every trip, but especially a solo adventure. Bring a spare credit card and keep it separate from your everyday payment for situations like having your credit card declined, or losing your wallet in the ocean (it can happen). Keep an extra copy of your travel insurance details with your backup payment as well.


Talk to other people
Whether those people are your well-seasoned traveller friends, family, or acquaintances, talking about your travel plans and any anxieties you may have can be a great way to put them in perspective and get advice from people who have ‘been there, done that’.

Be flexible
One of the best parts about solo travel is that you don’t have to go by anybody else’s plans. Did you intend to stay in a city for a week only to arrive and realize it’s not your cup of tea? Jump on the next train out of there and see where it takes you. Realizing that you are free to do and visit the places that make you happy is a definite must when travelling on your own.

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Record everything you can
At the end of the day, when everything is said and done, all you really have are the memories. Travelling alone can sometimes make it challenging to remember all of the amazing sights and great people you came across on your journey. So keep a journal, snap a ton of photos and capture every moment you can on video – and hey, you might even end up with a spot in the travelcuts film fest.



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