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5 Reasons It’s Awesome to Travel With Your Friends

The transition from youth into adulthood is a funny one. Bachelorette parties and bridal showers. Mortgages and baby strollers. A Facebook feed that reads like an emotional rollercoaster – one friend dropping captions like “wedding date for life”, another sharing images of her engagement ring from 12 different angles.

Many of my friends will be hitting the 30-year milestone this year. Our social calendars are filled with weddings, housewarmings and more recently, baby showers. One night while at one of the housewarmings, a group of friends and I stood collectively around our friend’s brand new kitchen island and decided that this summer we were going to take a trip to Europe. The reason? We are skyrocketing towards the next phase of life and who knows how long we will be able to selfishly spend money on travel!  Half of my friends are married and some are feeling the social pressures to procreate in the near future. So, to celebrate our next decade of “real-life” we rented a villa in Spain, and 10 of us (guys and girls) packed our bags for two weeks.

These are the 5 reasons why it’s AWESOME to travel with your friends.

travel-travellingwithfriends-vacation-friends-trips1) Strength in Numbers.

One of the benefits of traveling in a large group is you will find someone who is on the same page as you. If you wanted a gym buddy, or even someone to grab a bite with, chances are, someone will be up for it. When you’re away with just your significant other or with just one friend you often find yourself compromising. We all had our own ideas of what we wanted to do, so we were able to break off into smaller groups and ‘choose our own adventure’. While most activities we all did together, traveling in large groups allows for more flexibility.

2) The time is now- or never!

Some people in their early-thirties are starting to have kids- so there is limited time to take a trip like this. I had to witness the disappointed looks on my mama friend’s faces when I pitched this trip idea to them. Now, I know their tiny offspring are the centre of their world, and they wouldn’t trade it for anything, but they are also the sole reason that they had to pass on this trip. The thought of packing for an extra human was just too much for them to get their heads around- and I don’t blame them, plus they noted that a baby would definitely change the vibe of the trip. The truth is, being in your thirties is a weird age. Some of us still feel fresh out of university, while others are fully emerged in that ‘next step’ of buying a house and beginning a family. Travel with your friends while you can before your bank account is being funneled into mortgages, diapers and trips to Disney World!

3) Lost luggage? No problem.

Lost luggage, and poor packing skills were not an issue with our team. Luckily, all the guys were tall with an athletic build and all the girls were under 5’4. We were able to swap clothing and hair care products with ease. Something that would have been horrendous if you were just traveling with only your significant other.

4) The memories will last a lifetime.

My girlfriends and I still talk about post high-school and university backpacking trips. As I get older I find I truly appreciate them even more, as they serve as a much-needed recharge from the 9-5 grind. Two of my friends even kicked off their honeymoon with us at the villa before branching off to begin a more intimate holiday. Having freshly tied the knot, they were able to celebrate and reminisce with all of us before doing their own thing. We still joke with them how they honeymooned with their friends, but why the hell not?

5) It will strengthen your friendships.

I mean it. I have been on a ton of trips with my friends and they truly do bring you closer together. While I have attended countless girls trips and bachelorettes it was nice to include the boys this time round. I had an opportunity to get to know my friend’s partners in an unfiltered environment. There’s something to be said about spending 2 weeks together, as opposed to a 2-hour dinner once, every-other month!

At the end of the day, friends are the family you choose. I always found it important to put energy and effort in your friendships despite how great your family and relationships may be. Book that flight now, I promise you won’t regret it!

Chelsea Broderick

Chelsea Broderick is the Project Manager and contributing writer at Notable Life.