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11,000 Australian Dental Patients May Have Been Exposed to HIV and Hepatitis

Gentle Dentist our ass.

That’s not a name you get to keep when you may have exposed more than TEN THOUSAND people to HIV and Hepatitis – even if health officials are calling it ‘low risk’.

According to the BBC, “75-year-old Dr Starkenburg, who was stood down by the Australian Dental Council on 2 December 2014, admitted his hygiene practices may have been ‘lax at times’.”

Yeah, that’s definitely not a statement you want to hear from any healthcare professional.

Another six dentists from the Gentle Dentist centres have since been suspended while six more have been subject to ‘ongoing inspections’.

The concern is mainly for anyone who had an invasive procedure, as both Hepatitis and HIV are blood-borne infectious diseases. And without proper sterilization there’s a possibility that they could have been passed from dental tool to patient… to patient, to patient, to patient.


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