Monday is the most important day of the week – it sets up the playing field for the next seven days.
We hear far too often of people having a case of the “Monday blues,” which can create a ripple effect that lasts until Friday.
Which is why setting your week up for success isn’t just an achievable task – it’s also hella rewarding. Approach your Monday with a positive mindset and it will set you up for a rewarding week ahead.
Get to Bed Early
The process of setting yourself up for a week of success begins on the Sunday prior. This means hitting the sack at a reasonable hour – no, midnight isn’t reasonable. Waking up refreshed and ready to work will motivate you through your Monday, and will continue in your sleeping pattern thoughout the week.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
The very thing you were told as a kid, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Well, showing up to work on an empty stomach will not only slow you down – it will have you craving a larger lunch. If you start your week off eating healthy, it will motivate you to maintain those habits all week. Make the time to eat a variety of fruits and proteins to give you a boost of energy to go that extra mile every day – coffee included.
We’re all guilty of uttering the classic excuse “I’ll start Monday.” Well, it’s Monday and there’s no better time to get into that healthy habit. Research shows exercise will increase motivation and confidence – which will last through the week. The more likely you are to miss that Monday workout, the more likely you will skip out on other exercise days. So, try to get that workout in at all costs – morning or evening.
Make a To-Do List
Everyone has a million and one things to do, but visualizing your tasks at hand will organize your priorities. To-do lists are effective because they offer a clear outline of what needs to be done. As the list gets smaller throughout the week, it will add to your sense of accomplishment.
Clear Your Emails
It may not sound like the most tempting task, but clearing your inbox will give you a sigh of relief. Your inbox has compiled a variety of junk mail and urgent mail all weekend long, so don’t be that employee with 300 unread emails. Organizing your inbox will launch you into a week of productivity.
Get That Task Out of the Way
Getting those less appealing tasks out of the way first will take some weight off your shoulders for the rest of the week. Tackling big tasks first thing in the morning will give you that extra push to get other things done. You will be most motivated on Monday to get “that job” out of the way.
Visualize Success
Those who crave success will often be rewarded with it. Don’t underestimate the power of positive visualization. The more you visualize success, the more likely you will experience it. This is key when you are looking for some Monday motivation.
Have an Open Mind
Being open minded will allow you to create new ideas and thoughts. Open-mindedness will alter your perspective of the week itself – and will enhance thought provoking ideas. You may be surprised by what a positive change it will have on your week.
Have a Positive Attitude
Having a positive attitude of what lies ahead will make a big difference to your week. If you start your week with low expectations, chances are it will be a miserable week – no one likes a “negative Nancy.” Even though the odds may be against you, your attitude defines your character.
Remember You Have a Full Week Ahead
Things don’t always go as planned – so if Monday doesn’t work out in your favour, don’t stress. You’re only human and there’s a full week ahead of you to make it up. One bad day shouldn’t define the rest of your week – you can only go up from here.