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10 of the Most Hilariously Niche Dating Sites You’ve Ever Seen

We all know OkCupid.

We’ve all tried Tinder. (Shut up, yes you have.)

And maybe the more upmarket among you have even shelled out for

But what you may not have realized, is that there are some very niche sites that are helping to hook up singletons – and they can get pretty strange. From Disney to dating muggles and everything in between, here are some of the most specific (and hilarious) dating sites we’ve ever seen.

1. Mouse Mingle
If you can’t stop singing ‘Let it Go’ and want to find someone who doesn’t want to stab you with a fork on your first date for doing so, check out this Disney-themed dating site. Mouse Mingle claims that other dating sites just don’t understand their love of the films and encouragingly assures prospective daters that you don’t need to live next to a Disney Park to find love. Which is clearly the only thing that was stopping the rest of us…

2. You Must Love Dogs Dating
If getting sent to the doghouse sounds more like a treat than a punishment, this could be the site for you. For people who want their lovers to be pet lovers, this acts as a great screening device. Rather aggressively the site’s tag line reads, “Love me, love my dog or leave me the heck alone”.

3. Star Trek Dating
“Set phasers to stunning.” We’ll just let that one sink in for a second. If you’re a trekkie, or you’ve just watched one too many Big Bang Theory episodes and fancy snagging one, here’s the place for you to meet them. We (Vulcan) salute you.

4. Sizzl
If you can’t agree on how you like your bacon cooked, don’t waste months of dating – find out from day one. Luckily, Sizzl, A Dating App for Bacon Lovers, is here. The tinder-style app allows you to meet matches who have similar preferences to you – crispy, burnt, turkey, pork – and then flirt with other bacon enthusiasts. It’s the best kind of meat market out there.

5. Redddate
A Reddit dating site that matches you based on interest in similar subreddits.” Which, when you have seen the many, many out there, may intrigue or terrify you. So whether you are a huge fan of orangutans, or you have an appreciation of when the sun shines through a dress and makes it transparent (yes, r/WtSSTaDaMiT, is actually a subreddit), your perfect someone could be out there waiting for you.

6. Clown Dating
“Everybody loves a clown…let a clown love you” is quite possibly the creepiest sentiment ever uttered. But if you’ve ever dreamed of running away to the circus (and dating a clown) then who are we to judge? Clown dating is a way for clowns to meet other clowns, so if that’s what you’re into, roll up, roll up.


7. Dating for Muggles
Hogwart’s horn dogs – put down your wands. If you fancy dating a fellow muggle with a penchant for all things Harry Potter, good news! “No Felix Felicis or other spells required!” Separate the Gryffindor’s from the Slytherin’s, as you search for friends and romance in your city with this niche dating site.

8. Lego Love
If you think building blocks are the….well, building blocks to your love life, then dating site, Plenty of Fish, is lending you a helping hand. They have introduced a “Users interested in Legos” tag, which allows fans to make goo-goo eyes at each other over a tower of multi-coloured bricks.

9. Ghost Singles
Mortals need not apply. This is a dating site for ghosts, who (apparently) need love too. “Finally, a dating site for singles who know how to get a life! Well, an afterlife” reads the homepage. However the site does point out, that no marriages have ever materialized out of their dating, so if another ghost likes you but they won’t put a ring on it, don’t be surprised.

10. Gamers
‘A Video Game Dating Site?’ Why, yes there is. And in case you were wondering, the site helpfully answers the question you were to afraid to ask. ‘YES THERE ARE GIRLS!’ Girl gamers, plus guy gamers, plus no sunlight for days on end. Joysticks at the ready.

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