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Toronto’s Best Juice Bar As Voted By You

It turns out when it comes to juicing, our readers prefer theirs to be full-blended. This vegan grab-and-go (you can also get lunch delivery) laid the smoothie smack down this week and wound up with more than 40% of the vote

And the winner is:

The Goods.

It turns out when it comes to juicing, our readers prefer theirs to be full-blended. 

This Dundas W. vegan grab-and-go (you can also get lunch delivery) laid the smoothie smack down this week and wound up with more than 40% of the vote. 

And given that there were thousands of votes cast, that’s saying something. Of course, we’ve known all along how great The Goods is. Just sayin’.   

Greenhouse Juice Co. picked up nearly a fifth of the vote while Raw Chemist Juice Bar dominated the ‘other’ category and managed to claim 14.5% of the votes cast. 

Below you’ll find a 3D pie graph that breaks down all the big numbers. Take a look, and if you disagree with what you see let us know in the comment section. Or, you know, just vote next time.  



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