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Toronto Woman Conceals Poop in Her Purse to Avoid Dating Nightmare

Successful dating is all about hiding the less attractive parts of yourself until the other person is too invested in you to dump your gross ass. And we all know you that flatulence is a big no-no for at least the first two months of a relationship. But what about a poop

Twitter’s 10th Birthday: A Look Back at the Biggest Twitter Events of All Time

Twitter turned 10 today, meaning that we’ve been tweeting, favouriting/liking and hashtagging for one whole decade. The social media tool has brought us political information, breaking news, some truly epic rants from Kanye West and pretty much every thought and feeling that ever ran through the minds of the One

Too Far Gone: Why Twitter Probably Won’t Survive Another 10 Years

Today marks Twitter’s 10th birthday. It seemed like just yesterday that we learned it was in fact possible to land a plane on the Hudson River. Or that the world gained a new language: hashtag. Or that we finally had a platform for turning the tragedy and turmoil of others into something

Toronto-Area Man Posts Creepy Public Letter to Call Out Women Who Reject Him

An unidentified dweeb, presumably from Toronto, has posted what can only be described as the most ineffective letter to the opposite sex so far this year. Twitter user Matt Pops Collins recently uploaded a photo of the letter with the (highly accurate) caption, “A 100% non serial killer thing to do is

Oops: 60 Minutes Mistakes Margaret Trudeau for Kim Cattrall in Interview With PM

On Sunday evening, many Canadians were glued to their televisions watching the latest episode of 60 Minutes. The evening’s guest of honour was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. For those who didn’t tune in, the program was off to a great start. Mr. Trudeau discussed his affluent upbringing, boxing against senator Patrick Brazeau for