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Textez vous avec bravoure?

La technologique des communications textuelles est devenue une composante capitale de la vie de tous jeunes professionnels. La plupart d’entre nous communiquent via texto sous une forme ou sous une autre, et ce, plusieurs fois par jour. Mais quand il s’agit de communiquer des opinions déviantes, peu importe qu’il s’agisse d’un débat amical ou d’une forte argumentation, il est toujours préférable de mettre de côté l’appareil électronique, et d’y aller à l’ancienne, en se parlant de vive voix

The Dirty Details of Texting, Sexting and Everything Between

Text messaging has changed the face of romance, booty calls and dating in the past 10+ years since the now go-to form of communication exploded onto the mainstream.Remember (if you can) the days before texting when you would actually have to call your crush or date, making for sweaty palms, carefully planned out talking points, potentially awkward chitchat and hurried voicemails?

Are You a Text Fighter?

Textual communication technologies have become crucial components of our lives as young professionals. Most of us communicate via text in one form or many, numerous times each day. But when it comes to communicating disagreeing opinions, regardless if it’s just a friendly debate or a more strongly worded argument, it’s best to put the electronic device down, kick it old school, and talk it out

Please, Just Put the Phone Away

Our smartphones have become almost like second limbs for us busy, multi-tasking young professionals. It seems that we have all very much become at the mercy of our devices, with a cell phone accidently left at home enough to induce panic and anxiety